Patty Cake Taffy Pull

I’ve been working in corporate tech for most of my life. I started my long career in Web Development back when CSS was relatively new and you had to optimize for IE 5 (shudder). Over the years I let my creative side stagnate. I’ve decided I’m tired of letting that happen and of getting in my own way.

Sometimes I write but mostly I like to learn and draw while I’m doing it. I was constantly getting in trouble in school for doodling. What teachers didn’t understand was that I really was paying attention. Doodling while a lecture was taking place was the only way I could stay focused. I was constantly looking for ways to express my creativity.

That imaginative, curious kid was never afraid to try new things and play with ideas they conjured up. Somewhere along the line of building a career and a family, I let fear get in the way. I stopped trying new things and instead found excuses.

Reading that over makes it sound a lot more dramatic than it actually is. This is just my corner of the internet to share my creativity and maybe help others along the way.