Patty Cake Taffy Pull

Demons Hate Fresh Air

From a chapter in Austin Kleon’s latest book Keep Going. He talks about the benefits of getting away from our devices and just getting outside. I very much relate to this. I can feel the difference if I don’t get outside and move at least once during the day. I don’t care how cold it is.

From Austins Blog:

Linn Ullmann, in and interview with Vogue, about her father Ingmar Bergman:

“My father was a very disciplined and punctual man; it was a prerequisite for his creativity. There was a time for everything: for work, for talk, for solitude, for rest. No matter what time you get out of bed, go for a walk and then work, he’d say, because the demons hate it when you get out of bed, demons hate fresh air. So when I make up excuses not to work, I hear his voice in my head: Get up, get out, go to your work.”

I have both anxiety and ADHD. This has the lovely side effect of not being able to focus while constantly coming up with worst-case scenarios as a result of my lack of ability to focus. Having a set schedule and constantly having something to focus on is key to my mental stability.

For example, recently my wife and I purchased a very old property in a different city. The home was built in the early 1970’s and was only used by the original owner who hadn’t updated anything inside or out. The renovation work has been tough and sometimes exhausting. My soft, tech-working, keyboard warrior hands are experiencing brand-new sensations like callouses, dry skin, cuts, and bruises. And I live at Home Depot now.

After spending one week working on the property we travelled back home. It wasn’t until I woke up the next day in the real world that I realized my anxiety and stress had been non-existent.