Patty Cake Taffy Pull

I've moved to Bear

My first new post on Bear!

I've been creating on the internet since the late 90's. Back before CSS existed and all you needed to know to build a website was some basic HTML.

As we get a little older, I think it’s easy to let some things fall through the cracks. It could be hobbies that we used to enjoy, creative endeavours that we looked forward to, or relationships that were very important to us. I work hard to ensure I have some kind of creative outlet in my life, no matter what that outlet might look like. I have an entrepreneurial streak and I like starting new things.

Like many of us, I’ve been lucky to have mentors throughout my life that have enabled me to get to where I am today. I don’t think any of us gets where we are alone. It’s always a team effort. So I hope some of what I write here can be helpful or useful.

While having a creative outlet is important, I also think it’s important to look for ways to introduce creativity into our work lives. It doesn’t matter what your job looks like. There are always opportunities to find that creative spark.