Patty Cake Taffy Pull

Sketchnote - When the Body Keeps the Score

CleanShot 2024-09-05 at 16

“Trauma is not an unusual experience”

My middle child loves to read. She’s constantly picking out new books at the library or digitally via the Libby app on her phone.

The other day I noticed she was reading “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel van der Kolk. I’ve read the book and I was happy to see she was interested. She’s taking a Psychology class this semester in high school and loves it. In fact, it’s the first time I’ve ever seen her take an interest in anything academic before.

I first read the book soon after my divorce. Said divorce took place not long after I left the high-demand religion I was raised in. It helped give context to the trauma I was dealing with. It helped to understand why it’s not as easy as forgiving and forgetting. The body and mind remember.

The Sketchnote Is based on this short video from the author.